
For more background, see the previous post about DefinitelyTyped.

TL;DR: DefinitelyTyped is huge; installing it in its entirety involves processing over 9,000 packages. And that’s slow! Or is it?

Taking a profile

Many people may not know this, but I’ve actually written more Go than I have TypeScript.1 As such, when I have a performance problem, the tool I like to use is pprof.

More commonly, this tool is used when profiling Go, C, C++ code. And I like this tool! Lucky for me, there is a library which lets you use it with Node.2 The API is pretty straightforward; you can start and stop both CPU and heap profiles, and write them to disk.

Unfortunately, that’s a little annoying, because effectively 100% of the time, I’m profiling a CLI application or someone else’s project where I don’t really want to inject the code. It does include some code to let you do node --require=pprof myScript.js, but there’s no way to configure its behavior.

So a few years ago, I made a little wrapper, pprof-it, which makes things much easier to use. You can check the README for more details, but in short, to get a pprof profile you just run:

$ pprof-it /path/to/script.js

pprof-it will start profiling both CPU and heap allocation immediately at startup then dump profiles to the current directory on exit. These files can then be loaded into pprof (or one of the many other tools which support the format, like or speedscope).

So, let’s take a profile of pnpm install on one of my work-in-progress “DT as a monorepo” branches. (Forgive the roundabout way of running things; some of my fixes are already released, so I need to do a little movie magic.)

$ npx --package=pnpm@7.30.0 -c 'pprof-it $(which pnpm) install'

This actually OOMs on my laptop (I have yet to determine why), but on my desktop, I get this:

pprof-it: Starting profilers (heap, time)
    # a very long pause...
Scope: all 9031 workspace projects
    # a very very long warning about cycles (I need to file an issue for this!)
Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped
Already up to date
    # another long pause
Done in 1m 39.7s
pprof-it: Stopping profilers
pprof-it: Writing heap profile to pprof-heap-286252.pb.gz
pprof-it: Writing time profile to pprof-time-286252.pb.gz

Great, now let’s run pprof:

$ pprof -http=: pprof-time-286252.pb.gz

Automatically, pprof starts up my browser and puts me right into the graph view. This view outside of Node profiles is very useful, but Node profiles have an unfortunate problem which leads to all anonymous (i.e. arrow) functions being counted as one node named “(anonymous)”.3 So, let’s flip into the flame view.

A pprof profile of the original test case; two large blocks. The overall execution takes about 100 seconds.

Already, I’m excited; this is every profiler’s dream. Two very obvious chunks of work attributed to real names I can search for. Roughly 50 seconds are spent in createPkgGraph and another 32 seconds in getRootPackagesToLink. I should note that at this point in my adventure, I know absolutely nothing about how pnpm works; I haven’t even checked out the repo. But, now I know exactly where to look! (If pnpm had been minified, I’d be in a much worse position.)

Working through the code

From the get-go I can see that there’s a lot of time spent in resolve. One thing I hadn’t mentioned was how I set up this huge monorepo; my initial version of the monorepo transition used version specifiers like workspace:../node to directly map packages to each other, avoiding the need for us to specify names/versions in every package.json (they’re already auto-generated by the DT publisher). Without even looking at the code, I (correctly) guessed that these paths were involved in the slowdown and filed an issue.

It turns out that this path mapping is actually a negative for other reasons as well, so I just rewrote my transform to use versions instead of paths. After switching to this new version, the profile looks like this:

A pprof profile of the “no paths” test case, two large blocks, first one smaller than before. The overall execution takes about 65 seconds.

Alright, that’s better already, down from ~100 seconds to 64 seconds. We’ll come back to resolve later.


The first block is the first “very long pause” (which happens even in the “new” version of the repo), so let’s start there. Searching the pnpm codebase, I find the offending function. It looks something like this (cut down for brevity):

function createPkgGraph(pkgs: Array<Package>) {
    const pkgMap = createPkgMap(pkgs);
    return mapValues((pkg) => ({
        dependencies: createNode(pkg),
        package: pkg,
    }), pkgMap);

    function createNode(pkg: Package): string[] {
        const dependencies = {

        return Object.entries(dependencies)
            .map(([depName, rawSpec]) => {
                const isWorkspaceSpec = rawSpec.startsWith("workspace:");
                const spec = npa.resolve(depName, rawSpec, pkg.dir);

                if (spec.type === "directory") {
                    const matchedPkg = Object.values(pkgMap).find((pkg) =>
                        path.relative(pkg.dir, spec.fetchSpec) === ""
                    return matchedPkg?.dir;

                const pkgs = Object.values(pkgMap).filter((pkg) =>
           === depName

                if (pkgs.length === 0) return "";

                const versions = pkgs.filter(({ manifest }) => manifest.version)
                    .map((pkg) => pkg.manifest.version) as string[];

                if (isWorkspaceSpec && versions.length === 0) {
                    const matchedPkg = pkgs.find((pkg) =>
               === depName
                    return matchedPkg!.dir;

                if (versions.includes(rawSpec)) {
                    const matchedPkg = pkgs.find((pkg) =>
               === depName
                        && pkg.manifest.version === rawSpec
                    return matchedPkg!.dir;

                // ...

Alright, so we can sort of see what might be going on here. First off, we have pkgMap. By attaching to the code and looking at the variable, we find that it’s an object which consists of all 9,000+ packages. So doing anything with that is going to take a while.

At the top level, we’re already looping over every entry in the object via ramda’s mapValues. But, if we look inside createNode, we can see that it is also looping over all of pkgMap by calling Object.values(pkgMap)! This is quadratic; we’ll be doing 9,000 x 9,000 scans over the array. We could fix this by instead creating a mapping and accessing it instead. For example, one of the loops is just looking for all of the entries in pkgMap where is some value. We could precalculate this mapping, producing an object of type Record<string, Package[]>.

The other loop is more complicated; this is where resolve comes in. We can see that we’re searching not for a specific name but for a specific set of packages whose paths map the one we specified (that workspace:../node from earlier). This one is tricky, but it’s possible that we could precalculate some table here too, depending on how sensitive this code is to path.resolve’s platform-specific semantics.

Speaking of precalculating… We just said that pkgMap was huge. But, for every call to createNode, we call Object.values(pkgMap)! The profile doesn’t explicitly state so, but this is really, really expensive. The good news is that pkgMap is never modified. This means that we could calculate this big array once and then reuse it, for example:

function createPkgGraph(pkgs: Array<Package>) {
    const pkgMap = createPkgMap(pkgs);
    const pkgMapValues = Object.values(pkgMap); // <-- NEW!
    return mapValues((pkg) => ({
        dependencies: createNode(pkg),
        package: pkg,
    }), pkgMap);

    function createNode(pkg: Package): string[] {
        // ...

        return Object.entries(dependencies)
            .map(([depName, rawSpec]) => {
                // ...

                if (spec.type === "directory") {
                    const matchedPkg = pkgMapValues.find((pkg) =>
                        path.relative(pkg.dir, spec.fetchSpec) === ""
                    return matchedPkg?.dir;

                const pkgs = pkgMapValues.filter((pkg) =>
           === depName

                // ...

This turns out to save the bulk of the time. Yay!

Algorithmically, the code is still quadratic, but it’s still a lot faster and this kind of change is very safe, safe enough to be backported. I sent this one as a quick PR, and it’s now out in v7.30.4.

The fix to the quadratic-ness is going to be a different, more complicated change I plan to send later.

UPDATE: Later is now the past! All of the quadratic-ness has been fixed as of:

Let’s look at the second big chunk. Cut down for brevity again, we have:

async function getRootPackagesToLink(
    lockfile: Lockfile,
    opts: {/* some options */},
) {
    const importerManifestsByImporterId = {};
    for (const { id, manifest } of opts.projects) {
        importerManifestsByImporterId[id] = manifest;

    const projectSnapshot = lockfile.importers[opts.importerId];
    const allDeps = {

    return (await Promise.all(
            .map(async ([alias, ref]) => {
                // ...

                return {
                    // a bunch of props
        .filter(Boolean) as LinkedDirectDep[];

Again, the profile is not being very specific. It’s just saying that a lot of time is being spent in getRootPackagesToLink. Thankfully, there’s not much code actually inside this function. It can only be the calculation of importerManifestsByImporterId, or the spread to produce allDeps.

I debugged this to try and get the size of these elements. getRootPackagesToLink is called for every package in the repo, and allDeps is small. So that’s not likely to be it.

The importerManifestsByImporterId loop, on the other hand, is suspicious. I just said that getRootPackagesToLink is called once per package in the repo. But, opts.projects is a big list of all packages in the repo! We’re quadratic again!

This is better than before, in theory; there are lookups inside the .map call below, but they’re efficient because they don’t loop over opts.projects (as opposed to createNode from earlier, which does do the linear lookup). But, getRootPackagesToLink is recreating this mapping every single time it’s called!

If we scroll down a little bit, we can find its sole caller:

const projectsToLink = Object.fromEntries(
    await Promise.all( ({ rootDir, id, modulesDir }) => [id, {
            dir: rootDir,
            dependencies: await getRootPackagesToLink(filteredLockfile, {
                // ...
                // ...

There’s that “for each package” thing again. Thankfully, we can again see that projects is not changing between calls. So, we can instead calculate this mapping once and pass it in to getRootPackagesToLink, again without changing much logic.

const importerManifestsByImporterId = {} as { [id: string]: ProjectManifest; };
for (const { id, manifest } of opts.projects) {
    importerManifestsByImporterId[id] = manifest;

const projectsToLink = Object.fromEntries(
    await Promise.all( ({ rootDir, id, modulesDir }) => [id, {
            dir: rootDir,
            dependencies: await getRootPackagesToLink(filteredLockfile, {
                // ...
                // ...

Now drop the code to produce the mapping from getRootPackagesToLink and we’re done.

I sent this as a PR over too, and it also is available in v7.30.4.

The “final” result (for now)

Now that we have these two fixes in, let’s re-profile pnpm install for the newer version:

$ npx --package=pnpm@7.30.4 -c 'pprof-it $(which pnpm) install'
# ...
Done in 13.6s

Immediately, the difference is evident. There’s no longer a huge delay before I get the cycle warning. The whole thing now takes 13.6 seconds. That’s a huge improvement! It’s outlandishly good to be processing 9,000+ packages in such a short time.

What about the profile, though?

A pprof profile of the finalized code, with the two blocks (mostly) gone, and a lot of little stuff now showing. The overall execution takes about 13 seconds.

Much different. We can see that the huge obvious blocks are gone, leaving us with a bunch of small stuff (if two obvious chunks were “the dream”, a bunch of small stuff is “the nightmare”). We can still see that createPkgGraph is still the most obvious chunk, lending to the fact that we didn’t fix the fact that it’s quadratic. But, if we fix that, that’ll be a few more seconds saved! And, we can profile it again, and maybe we can look into sequenceGraph or getAllProjects, the next big chunks.


To recap, we:

  • Ran pnpm on a huge monorepo, and found it to be suspiciously slow, visibly hanging at times.
  • Ran pprof-it to take a look under the hood.
  • Found a couple of big candidates for optimization.
  • Stared at some code.
  • Got lucky, addressing both problems by simply shifting some code around.
  • Made pnpm 4x faster! (For this super ridiculous test case, anyway.)

I hope this was informative. Profiling is an excellent trick to have in your toolbox. Sometimes, you’ll be unlucky and it won’t show you much. But, when you do find something, it’s worth having spent a few minutes trying it out.

In case you’re curious what else we’ve (me and the TypeScript team) have been able to find, check out these PRs and issues:

  • A performance boost from avoiding the calculation of all properties of unions / intersections where all we wanted to know is if any type matches a condition.
  • A performance boost by discovering that a computation was not being cached.
  • A performance regression I (unwittingly) introduced in TypeScript’s string template literals when used with intersections, with two PRs (#53406 and #53413) attempting to address it.
  • A performance boost in TypeScript 5.0, where I identified that we weren’t reusing our “printers” as much as we could have, saving a few percent (and even more in some projects).
  • An older PR where pprof had pointed out that a lot of time during a build of a TypeScript project was being spent normalizing paths, even if the platform was UNIX-like and the paths were already using the correct slashes.
  • A PR I sent back when I was working on Pylance/pyright, where 50% of GC time was spent concatenating strings.

  1. Well, this used to be true, but might not be anymore. Definitely not if you git blame the TypeScript repo and forget to use .git-blame-ignore-revs! Thanks, modules↩︎

  2. Okay, this is a fork of the original released by Google, but that one hasn’t been updated in years, and DataDog’s fork includes prebuilt binaries. ↩︎

  3. This is something I’ve been meaning to dig into, but it turns out to be a problem that also happens to the more typical .cpuprofile files Node performance nerds may already be familiar with, so I just haven’t prioritized looking into it. ↩︎